The Right Music
It's hard to believe just some music can throw you into productivity, but it can and it does. The right tempo makes your heart beat a bit faster. Before you know it the subconscious is engaged in the task at hand. You start knocking tasks out one after other. Your hands become like lightening. The tempo makes everything a lot better. Trust me. The sleepy morning you experiencing right now can quickly be tossed away and your senses awakened by the right beat. I think a lot of us just try to go through life hard charging it and not placing ourselves in total immersion.
Total immersion occurs when you listen to some form of media on your daily commute, when you're walking out to your car, or in any other situation you find yourself having the slightest shred of free time. It has been instrumental in getting people to get things done. It has helped many wealthy and influential people get to where they are today. It also gives off a aura about you. The right frequency of what you are listening to, in the right pattern, can really ignite the worker inside of you. You will find that getting objectives done becomes significantly easier. The grind suddenly becomes easier. Head banging to a sick track that allows you to rock out some work is unprecedented.
It can also help you to remember to stay on tasks and not jump around. This has been a staple for me myself in that I now leave anything "half-baked". Things, once started, finally get that last bit of kick they need to get finalized. No matter the distraction you will find yourself able to stick to the tempo of the song at hand and ignore things irrelevant to your mission. I would suggest some
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