The Brilliant Mind

I am a trusted, reliable, high integrity, long term thinking deal maker.

You're not going to get rich renting out your time, You must take equity in a business.
- Build a brand.

Getting through the day is not enough anymore. It never has been. There has always been an extremely high demand for work output. The number of tasks you get done every day truly matter. it is all up to you. You have to break free from the mundane repetitive tasks. No one else is coming to save you, but you. You have to get into the grind of the work flow. The flow-state if you will. You must nourish your mind. Nootropics, though seem skeptical to many, are a reality many people miss out on. By enhancing one's mind you are better equipped to be constantly going 24/7. Even if it is just the placebo effect you should still embrace it. What works, works. I for starters have found eating every last brain food available to you, meditating, and reading extensively to have a profound impact on my mental clarity and execution. I feel sharper. i feel quicker. i feel like I know the answer before it is even asked in the form of a question. Then you pair that on top of nootropics? Pair all of that on top of binaural beats as well and surround everything you do with genius affiliation? The clothes you wear, the way you take care of your body meaning the shape you are in, the things you drink, the way you work. All of these things are influenced by the mind and directly influence the world around you.
     If you are trying to make it big in this world than you are going to have to really push the boundaries of what you once thought possible. You will feel it, I promise. That rush of knowledge and brain synapse connections that get fired off from when you take the nootropics. It all is real. Do not miss out on taking care of yourself and staying sharp. You can be living your best life right now regardless of the circumstance you are in. Additionally, the nootropics you take will boost your confidence and energy level. Everything will compound on top of itself and in some ways you become a mad genius. The ideas in your head will come to you in a tidal wave. You will feel impulses to write them all down. That is the way the human mind should be at all times. You must become sentient and break out of the clouded mind. 
     Please do not miss out on this opportunity of a life time. If you redirect your efforts into doing this thing you will never regret it. You will, more than likely, at one point fall off with the consistency of doing it for a while. Ironically, you will see that it does work. The human condition is that of complacency however. When you fall back in to that complacency and stop boosting your brain in every way possible you will immediately start to notice the difference. Over time it will grow worse and worse. You will get addicted to the healthier lifestyle. Interestingly enough the nootropics will make you workout more and even clean your room. They will bolster your social skills as well. Overall your health will improve. People will come up to you and ask you questions as to how you are so sharp and productive. It will be as if though you have a lifestyle secret they do not know.
     What is also even more amazing is that the maths and the sciences will become easier to understand too. You will become so curious. The once preconceived labor will be seen as play. It is astounding. You will feel this life hack happen right before your very eyes. There's just something about it. the aura you give off will be that of determination and confidence. You will be placed into the position of natural leader. Your ideology and execution will be right on point. People will look to you for motivation and knowledge. Somehow your wisdom and mental acumen of multiple topics and disciplines will become invaluable to people.
      Another thing that will happen is that you will become hyper organized. You will feel like a completely different animal. Any scrap paper near by will be turned into notes and binders and notebooks around you will be loaded with your knowledge by you without very much effort at all. Writing and typing will become quite an enjoyable experience as they will be one of your multiple means of expression. Your optimism will skyrocket through the roof as well. Do not be surprised if you start finding yourself to need folders to contain all of these notes. Do not be taken off guard if you begin noticing that you are scrapbooking all of your efforts out. It is truly profound. The new level of engagement you will have with the tangible world will give you new insights on life.
     People will start to say things about you to. Things that you will also feel compelled to write down. They will all in their majority be compliments. You may be caught off guard by a single naysayer down the road after you stay off of your disciplined schedule to self care via nootropics. I promise you this though, that is not what you will want to be focusing on. That might very well make up less than 1% of the total things people way about you. The other 99% will be along the lines of how capable you are and how profound your knowledge about your topics are. It is a paradigm shift. Nothing will be able to contain you. There will no longer be any road blocks. After a while you will run out of space to contain all of the good things say about you. New opportunities will open up for you as well.
     I cannot stress it enough the importance of launching your brain. In these trying times it is imperative to be at full mental cognition to the best of your ability. Brain health dictates everything. This feeling is grasping. It is captivating. Once you have it you will not want to stop. It is truly unlike anything you have ever experienced before. There will be no time to stop. You will begin to value your time excruciatingly so. Words you once thought difficult to spell will now be composed by you effortlessly. Conclusions to dilemmas will fall right into your hands, just for you to put into play and reap the benefits from. I mean when you are on fire, you are on fire. The slightest negative of thoughts quickly get vanquished with your ever-powerful mind now. The things you experience will be hard to fathom, hard to convey. They are so worth it though.
     Financial independence will come out of the blue for you. With all of this engager hyper productivity you will have no problem in making something of it. Some sort of business out of it. The plans for your future will lay out before you one step after the other. You will look at the markets, the trades, the commerce- all with a new way of thinking. You will see the things others who may have been brilliant in conceiving and implementing failed to see. You will be unique in your sector. Your recall will be unparalleled. In some very good ways as well you will elevate your coworkers around you to be better as well. It is astonishing. The ascendence is real. I have never seen anybody not improve who has been around this way of thinking and being in some capacity.
     Do not forget about the past experiences you have had before this altering also. It is now your ability to recall past events with unbelievable speed and think about how you would of have handled them differently. Overall the quality of your life will improve. Your sleep will be deeper. Getting out of bed in the morning will be easier as well. It is not a problem anymore of lethargy. Your brain essentially blocks out all true negative thoughts and feelings. The act of being lazy is obliterated. The transformation is profound at this stage. You may find yourself going to coffee shops and sitting down with a laptop, then cranking out audacious amounts of work in a short time period. Do not be surprised if people glance over at you in astonishment. I am telling you, when you pursue this level of enlightenment and work ethic things change. You reach out to people more. You pick up the habit of speed reading and networking. There are no longer any more awkward interactions. You meet with business owners truly by chance. People of affluence and rule, you come by them in more social situations because the level of mental accuracy is there. You can just tell be the way people of this caliber conduct themselves. It is easy. I mean it, it is like breathing at this point. The way it flows. The way the words in your head just hit the paper with ease. You are now in an are where you are in full control. The unknown no longer presents challenges and barriers, but instead adventure and opportunity.
     It is pretty funny how your mind will continue to accelerate at speeds your body will not be able to keep up with. Typing will feel slow at this point even though your words per minute are really up there in terms of being good and all. The natural born leader inside of you will come out to be. You honestly surpass your peers and coworkers as well as many others in the human race. This is not just to boost your ego, but to let you know that you're on to something. I mean when you are in that state of deep flow and concentration you can be presented with any challenge and overcome it. The speed at which you do it is crazy as well. Not a lot of people will get to this point in their lifetimes. They have never experienced it. I do not think there is any age limit to pursue genius.
     The calm before the storm will hit in many situations as well also. Then the flow will start to come back and you may even to dance slightly while you work. Then the build up takes place of a massive explosion begins to start in your mind. Firing off like a chain reaction, you can tell distinctively before it is about to occur. You set yourself up for success in this regard. You are now almost communicating in an entirely different language. An entirely different species. break it down and then get right into it again. Do not let anything stop you. It is very much so like a record on repeat. The beating of your heart is the new thing to follow. You have to settle with the fact that you are now getting elevated. Listen carefully to what it is saying to you. It is telling you to go out and be the strange one that ascends everything around you. Save the world with your genius. Apply it to humanity and make the world a better place.
     Take a breath and realize it was meant to be like this from the very beginning. This will help you accept how much you are growing and at the rate at which you are growing. Stick with it, rock it out, and keep charging. This might very well be the inspiration you need to write a book. Everyone should write a book in their lifetime. The thoughts you have, the unique experiences you have, all categorized and influenced by the people you have engaged with before you. It is profound as always. The shaking into work. The call to reach out. The burning desire to let your voice reach out to the masses. Then have their voices bounce off of others. the trance. the melody. it is awe inspiring. The way your brain will be transported to an entirely new dimension.
     The best part about all of this is that you do not need to jeopardize your health like other drugs or substances do. Nootropics are healthy in that the following effects of the improved mental cognition make you do all of these other things that better you. You will more than likely drop all the other bad habits you have along the way while you go down this journey. Drinking, smoking, not abstaining. You rock right into a new state of being. It is like a self reprograming for the better. You have no clue how much good you are getting yourself into. Words like theses are seldomly spoke. Tat is because they are hard to back up with any means of merit. But when you encounter nootropics the lightning is fired. You are all systems go at that point. The future is brighter and brighter the more you take care of yourself. You may very well burn out your keyboard with how fast you are dropping all this knowledge down.
     The way you break free is by blocking out all of the negatives. If there are no negatives to hurt you, but there simply to be observed, than you will emerge victorious. It is like a storm is brewing in your brain at all times. There is no time to stop. It is all go now. Everything is on the line for this moment. This is where you show up. This is where you put out. Burn through every last doubt you have ever had like a phoenix of fire, rising through the ashes. This is not something that you want to read about and never experience. Unlike other articles about things that can improve you, this one has the solidity to back itself up. Can you not feel the passion in the text? The bravado? The flame? Again, this is about your mind. This is about your self pursuit, and all of our combined pursuits, to ascend the current state of being that we are in. It is possible. Look at evolution. Look at everything we have done up to this point. Nothing is off limits at this point.
     What is more, for the second time, the typing cannot stop. You just feel so absorbed into the work you are doing. You are fixated on it, subconsciously aware, with your brain on autopilot. many of us may have thought about this concept before but were never able to fully implement it. That is because it is real however you never had the means to do so. That is until now. I am sitting at my desk here typing this with a big smile in my mind. My body is going without my command. I am generally telling it what to do, but there is no effort in doing the actions right now. It is detached. it is like the body is doing all of the heavy lifting and I am just radioing to it from the brain to say "do this". It is incredible. The push through technique of hanging out in the background while the work gets doe automatically. tsk after task get taken care of. To describe what it feel like in a broad sense of terms, the start of the nootropics light your mind up like a Christmas tree. The feeling is fresh like a fresh breath of air. Then from there, the work begins. You hop in to whatever it is you do or are doing because you feel compelled to do so. After that things don't necessarily feel numb but instead feel calm.
     Another example of the things you may experience is promotions in the workplace and academic excellence like I did. I was taking test after test, passing after passing. One topic after the other, changing from psychology to business management, from financial literacy to a wide variety of other topics. Needless to say, not a single test was failed. These tests took hours to complete as well, and the entire time I was just sitting down there knocking them out like they were a piece of cake. It is undoubtable that the nootropics kept me cool, calm, and collected. After that, many promotions came my way. I led several events. I also collaborated a lot more with people of extremely high caliber with ease. That part was absurdly fun. What is also interesting is that risks become a lot more calculated too. The improvement in boldness also increases the awareness of one's self. The dull-minded idea of being invincible in the bodily aspect is quickly evaluated and gets out shined by the fact that invincibility rests in the mind. 
     As crazy as it sounds, you will actually find ease in visualizing sound. The way the physical world interacts. You will have no problem in breaking down complex machines into understandable wholes. 
     There it is. When you get in that vibe again to work. to create content that is valuable for others. You become unstoppable at that point. Write a book if you have to, just get your point across that you are not stopping, regardless of the circumstances. Whether that be the environment you find yourself in, the double-shift you pull on yourself, working after your normal 9-5 job. Putting in the extra hours on your side businesses.
     DOUBLE-DOWN!! Load the work and the play on yourself at the same time. Again, three generations from now the people that doubted you as well as yourself and everyone you ever know are going to be long gone. So be sure you are using leverage! Everyday. Do not get distracted. Ensure that you are staying the course for your financial independence and personal freedom. Enlighten your mind with new experiences while simultaneously grinding out the work and hustling everyday. Every day be on fire!
     You have to fire on all cylinders. Even if it means cranking out products that are slow to take off at first. Even if that means running into failures, setbacks, and criticism. You have got to begin take-off. It is an absolute must. Anger, drive, and passion will be your allies. Getting mad at the fact that the hustle isn't on 24/7 is a good thing. You know that this is what it takes. if you truly want to break free and emerge into the top ten percent, no, the top one percent, then this is exactly what it takes. There is no letting off the reigns. Continue to engage and produce. Shout it out into the universe and let that utter rage and energy be your sights. You will strike true if you listen to that voice inside of you that bags to produce.
     Next, let's talk about rage. The kind that festers up inside of you after you have been working hard on a project for a while and things come into play that attempt to down you. that attempt to take you out. it is not so much the challenges that are the problem, it is the people. It is the intentional action of others to see you fail and their negligence of themselves, to better themselves instead of harping on you, that are livid inducing fuel. When you know deep down that you are doing the right thing and then go to resonate that with the people who are saying blasphemy to your name, that's when you can be sure you are on the right path. Stay true to that path. Do not lose your merit or resolve. The haters, as rare as they are to people not doing anything in the beginning, really do begin to come out of nowhere when you stand up and start getting after it. I heard for example in a saying once "once you start to make progress towards your goal people begin to hate you because you represent the side of them that could have done the same, but didn't. We are all equal and the fact that you did that upsets them because they are not comfortable with the fact that you grinded harder where they gave up." Powerful stuff.
     Moving on to the distractions. You have to be advised of the distractions. Some people just don't know what to do in public situations that contain the slightest shed of decency. They will blare their music loud, scream and shout, play shows on the company TV that they love, and unconditionally want you to love too. These situations will be incredibly distracting to you. It is in these ties that you must drown them out and stay true to your work.  Fight hard to ignore them, pay them no mind, and keep hard charging. Here is the deal... if you don't drown them out now, you never will. So you'd better learn how to grab a pair of headphones and stick to that list of yours. Write down your tasks, goals, and the number of goals you need to get done. Mark them off as you do them and really do that. that will help you get more done especially when the adversary is blaring nonsense, and you are building your businesses. Do not succumb to life wasting vices.
     be advised sometimes you will take significant hits. they will be compiling. Your entire life will seem to be failure after failure. Just note that it will stop. For a while, nothing is going to make sense. Things are going to fail on a magnitude of levels. Financially, family wise, timing wise, and many more layers of your goals and dreams will fall apart. You have to stay resilient and persistent in these times. keep your head level and keep working. Continue to deliver the product, and or good, and or service to people. Do it in mass and always remember, if you think you are doing a lot you are not. You can always, ALWAYS be doing more.


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