A Call To Action

 Look at you now. You soldier. You warrior. You are in your natural element. It is understood to you. You know exactly what you must do. Your entire life has been leading up to this moment, and every moment that is to come after it. You have been training. You have been silently observing, taking in all the necessary information around you before you make your decision. Now you are to prevail. Now you see what actions you must take before you in order to achieve victory. It is clear as day. Arising out of the murky shadows of war you find yourself with a clear overview of the battlefield. You can see where you need to direct your troops, your resources. You know exactly at what point you need to do things. It is a beautiful cascade of thing falling perfectly in line for you. Drown out the enemy. Focus. Your time is now. Like a perfect synchronous clock your efforts and commands will lead you and your dreams to victory. You just have to go now. Give the order to yourself and to your troops. Get it done.
      As you see the carnage unleash before your very eyes, know that it is all worth it. The last thing you want is to lose resources, but such is the case when it comes to doing the right thing. Never has it been before that prosperity comes to a land without sacrifice. Redirect if needed. It was all part of your plan anyways. In the back of your head you knew things may need to split off to help the efforts of others.
     Now there it is. Your ally. Coming in from the flank to assist you. Their power, both of your combined efforts drives the enemy into a rout. Continue the attack. You can rest assured the adversary has reinforcements of their own, but this is no time to worry about that. Look after you. Look after your resources. Take this moment of win and assess the damage. Do not get overwhelmed. As you begin to see the enemies comrades line up on the horizon do not lose heart. Eye to your brothers in arms and those who came to assist you, and gesture a simple nod. Mount up. Prepare to brave the storm. It's not over yet.
     There is something about it... Giving the charge to your men and your allies. Seeing the incoming clash as the enemy does the same to his. The wits get tested. The hearts get tested. The values get tested. What is it that you are fighting for? What is it that you believe in? I hope when you find that out a tear comes to your eye. Nevertheless, here you are now. Fighting for it head to head with someone who finds it not valuable at all. Through this you must persist. Much like life, many things are going to come at you. It is your job to persevere and fight to see the next challenge.
     Now here comes the even harder part... Your ally. The one who saved you in your time of need. The one that allowed you to press on another day. They are slain. You are here now. Just you, your men, and your resources left. You have everything your ally brought to the fight. Their heart, their resolve, their beliefs. Yet the ally alone is gone now. It is in this moment when you have a decision to make. Accept defeat, let the lives of those you rallied and inspired to be left to slaughter? Or pick up the sword. Get back on your mount, and double down on the reigns. The enemy has no idea what they have just given birth to.
     Like a monster, more beast than man, you roar a fierce battle-cry and call upon everything you have. From your left to your right, all of your men, all of your efforts, they follow shoulder to shoulder, right behind you. For a moment, everything seems perfect. Again you find yourself in the same situation you were before. You know exactly what you must do. Just like that, you crash through the enemy's defenses and rattle them to the core. Everything you ever wanted, all of your hopes and beliefs, they are right there along side you. Fighting for what you believe in.
     One after the other, you take out the adversary's men. Their morale plummets. It is like a beautiful piece of art. Like something out of scripture. Your heart of gold and mind of steel, you crush the wrong. You gain what you wanted. You see the remnants of the enemy's forces flee into the wood line. You and your men, everything you have been fighting for, you raise the helmets of the enemies commanders high above your head and shout. What the helmets stand for, doubt, cruelty, fear, tyranny. All along the way, you do not forget the comrades that brought you here in the first place.
     Whether that be parents looking after you. Allies encouraging you along the way. Offering their troops in the form of kind words and confirmations towards you and how great you are. How they affirm what you think and say is correct from time to time. You relish those moments. Just like your fallen brother, they come and go. As hard as it is, as much as you want you allies to stay with you forever, they are all fighting their own battles. Sometimes they fade, but it is all the same nonetheless- you have to press on... You must press on. The world needs people like you. There will be brighter and calmer futures ahead if you take care of your battles right now. You will look back on them in those days and relish. You will be honored by all the times that you did not let yourself down. That you did not let the resources and time and effort you commanded down. It is all up to you and it always has been. It always will be. So go on, keep fighting. Fight for others. Be the one that shows up to their side when they are in battle. 
     Knowing it may all go downhill at a moments notice, you give those thoughts no precedence in your mind. That is the enemies trick. they will doubt you. They will try to put words in your head that you are not the mountain. That you are the pit. That your efforts will never summit to anything. That is exactly where you vanquish those beliefs and prove them wrong. You will survive. You will be fierce, just as fierce as you were that day. You will be even fiercer than that day, for you know the way you felt when you lost your comrade, your support. You know you will not let your allies and friends in arms feel that way now. So go out. Win. Absolutely devastate the enemy and never leave them with a shred of doubt again that you will smash them like a meteor of faith and belief if they ever act up again. Lick your wounds and fight to live another day.


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