Behold! What you should do!
Alright, let's just get right down to it; at this very second you may be wasting time. It's times like these that you have to push through. You have to stay persistent. Tomorrow may never come, so absolutely own it today. A lot of times people go around thinking that they have all of this time on their shoulders when they really do not. Time is a fragile thing that slips through our fingertips if we let it. Every year of your life is a gift and you should be spending it as such. realize that it is in fact a blessing and make the most of it. This is your call to action. get up right now, knock out some push-ups, do some squats, and damn it- go for some cardio. I don't care if it is jumping jacks, mountain climbers, or a run. It is important. it regulates you. the same way a show car loses it's power just by sitting idle, you do the same. Yes the show car may be rolled here or there, and perhaps it is even tailored away to new events every now and then- but when you go to start it up- if it has not been properly ran, a plethora of things fail and go wrong on it. The same is that of your very human body. Motion is lotion. You have heard it time and time again. If you take care of it, you will not lose it. Neglect yourself however and pain is sure to be your new best friend.
You must become strong. Not only physically, but mentally too. Long gone are the days where you can reminisce in the past and say "it was nice like that before, let's go ahead and do that again" indefinitely. Your time on this planet truly is limited and the very best thing you can do for yourself in this scenario of life is to make your mind limitless. Do not get distracted. Do not get angry. Evaluate. Think about your time and what it is worth. if you valued your time, every hour of your day, at the low cost of let's say $250/hour, would you still do the same things you do? Would you still melt your mind away on movies, alcohol, smoking, and partying out all night with friends? Absolutely not. You would run yourself like a business (as you should.) The greatest thing about all of this is that in that moment of contemplation regarding your mental fortitude things get easier. What I mean by that is this: remember the first time you did anything new? Remember it was difficult? Granted, it was probably mandatory in order for you to live a normal life and live in society, but that's not entirely all of it. The other side to that coin is once you applied yourself to stick it through with that task it became second nature. Driving a car? Probably a nightmare for most at first. Getting your first phone? "What alien magician devil sorcery is this..." but that's just it. You stuck to it. You got so comfortable with associating whatever that thing was you learned with the necessity for it that after a while, doing it was a breeze. The same is to be said for training your brain. Actively engage in disciplining it now and finding out ways to profit from it's discipline, and shortly on down the road you will find it effortless to control yourself and do the right thing. Not because you will be forced to, but because you will want to.
That brings me to this next point: grind through it. Love the work and do it with a smile. Think of what it means to get this done right now. Who you are going to affect right now. How are you building your career right now. Odds are you are building side skills while doing whatever task it is you find yourself doing right now that will directly translate into advantages in other tasks for you down the future. Writing a blog? You are building discipline to stick with a task. Scheduling out your day? Your mastering time management for when things come up that you yourself personally want to do, and do not want outside forces interfering with. Grinding it out at work and getting just enough sleep and avoiding at all costs oversleeping? Excellent. You are setting boundaries and defining clear goals for yourself to follow in the future. Again from earlier, all of this will become second nature to you when apply it in the real world, right in to your life.
If I had to structure this message for me to my younger self it would be something like this: "LISTEN KNUCKLEHEAD. You know absolutely nothing right now and you KNOW that you know nothing right now. STUDY THE GREATS. Think GALACTICALLY LARGE. Every dream you ever wanted; One billion dollars (being a Billionaire), Being involved with the latest technological breakthroughs (AI, ReVeRsE aGiNg. Did that catch your attention? good. look it up- it's possible), and the folding of space time. Yes. Teleportation. All of these things are actually doable if you just drop everything right now, sacrifice everything you know and love, and spend every last waking second of your time learning. Learn HOW to learn: 1.) Looking up what the skill-sets of billionaires, geniuses, and the world's most successful people are. And 2.) ACTUALLY GIVING A F*#!, and doing them. Committing to them. Taking the time out of your day to write each of those skill-sets out, placing them on folders somewhere (you will probably end up with 15 folders) and every time a useful piece of information comes across your way take a note of it, and put that note in the corresponding folder. Don't be afraid to look up each folders assigned skill-set either to stuff it full of more information. You are going to have to, because you need to know each skill-set and how to apply it. Truly. Truly, truly... yes truly. You brat. Making me have to write these words multiple times but that's the only way I know I will keep your attention, so there it is..."
This life is yours brother. You were meant to be a King. You always have been, and you know it too. You are a natural born leader. As fellow knights... soldiers... warriors... your ancestors and I salute you.
Listen! You do not have time. There are 17 year-olds and 18 year-olds that are pursuing their real estate licenses now. That are pursuing their pilot's license now. That are creating their YouTube channels now. If you sit down and hang out you are going to get left in the dust. With the way Artificial Intelligence is rapidly evolving you should have no excuse to get up, go online, and do the searches required to get informed and then start making appropriate decisions to secure your financial future. preferably it will be one of abundance if you move now. This is important. To any young lad out there or girl out there who feels they can get lost with the wrong crowd, drink, and party you are sorely mistaken. You have the potential to change your future immediately. You can have the exotic sports car. You can have the private jet. You can have the mansion sitting on your tropical island. You have just got to put in the work and the effort now. This isn't to say you sell your life away. by no means is that the case because truly it is the furthest thing from it. Directly to the point, you are making yourself a beast right off the starting line. This is a call to action. There is a never ending supply of information and resources on the internet that will help you achieve everything you need to win.
Now moving on to those of you that may be older and touching base on the topic of Artificial Intelligence again, technology is your strongest ally. It is everyone's strongest ally. The advantage you have over the younger guy or girl is that you are experienced and mature. You have seen how silly you were as a young person and know that with the right skills in your possession you can put forth the work and reap perhaps even greater riches than some of the adolescents today. You have just got to shift your mental perspective. Enjoy the grind. It is tiresome, but that is where the beauty of it is. Go at your own pace and feel the reward of another day earned. Not a thing in this life is guaranteed. At any given moment disaster can strike. So with that in mind, level yourself up! The fact that you have made it this far is a true testament to your grit and vigor. Shake the negative thoughts out of your head, eliminate the bad habits that you know are holding you down, and update yourself on todays modern marvels of computing. The are programs out there that you can simply speak to and they do every last thing for you. From creating entire websites, to mass marketing emails and networking with the right people. Artificial Intelligence is like your trusty companion that sits right by your side, guiding you with unwavering support and assistance every last step of the way.
On the days that you are tired do not quit. It may feel like you are making no progress but every action you take is another step closer to your goals as cheesy as that sounds. Nothing could be more accurate. Listen, you do not want to have 6 to 7 years of your life fly by and look back thinking you wish you would have gotten your head straight sooner. It is ideal that you gain a sense of endless pursuit of knowledge every second of your day now. Let me tell you there is nothing worse than being poor. Not that much to be honest. Not being able to have your own free time 24/7 may not seem like a problem now but let me tell you it grows on you after literal years of realizing by working for others you are not working for yourself. you are not creating a business for yourself. Remember, you are a legend. You can do absolutely anything you put your mind to.
Now is the part for a bit of tough love (haha). The world is pretty ruthless. You get nothing just out of thin air. yeah maybe you can mooch off of others here and there and get little small rewards for your time and services rendered, but if you are truly trying to make it big the answer is simple: you just have to work harder. Now you may be thinking you work hard enough already and your life is pretty decent at this point in time. That is ok. That is ok if you are ok with the style of life you have now until the day you die. For the one-percenters however that idea lights our soul on fire from the inside out. We simply can not stand the thought of doing something that simple, that mundane, on repeat year after year, decade after decade until we ultimately perish to death. We want it all. We want it all now and we want to go BIG. All we think about day in and day out is how to crush it, secure the bag, and scale wealth to the skyscrapers. How nice would it be to buy a skyscraper? Maybe fly up to the top of it with your private helicopter flown by your very own private pilot? Afterwards you get in your luxury sports car to drive to the airport to board your private jet. Take that jet to any one of your many tropical paradise, beach-side mansions and board you luxury yacht lighting up a Cuban cigar? Yeah... we want that. And we will have it.
That's what fuels us. That is what drives us. The knowledge that no matter how big the task nor how large the learning curve it truly is doable. Learning has become so much easier through the assistance of AI. You can learn heart surgery in seconds through the interaction of virtual reality/mixed reality gaming models that accurately represent the real world without any distinguishable differences. This spans out to all facets of learning whether that be rocket science, neuroscience, futurism, you name it. Anything is at the tip of your fingers and all you have to do is put in the fractional time and effort to achieve it. It is no longer the ways of the olden days where you have to go into a library by horse, pick up a book, study it for years, go to a school, study in there for years, all to only get a fundamental understanding of how it might actually play out in person in front of your very eyes in real life. The chains are off now. Nothing is limited. That knowledge alone should inspire you to pursue any dream you have ever had. Even the dreams from your distant childhood.
Another thing that you may want to consider is that you always want to be on the offensive. letting your guard down and getting tired is not an option for you. It is so easy to get distracted these days by the next release of dopamine. You must harden your mind though. I say again, you must harden your mind. The act of doing so is not exactly dire stressful and it is not some impossible feat. Contrarily, It is actually quite simple. A habit usually only takes around 25ish days to form, give or take. This goes for a wide variety of subject mastery. You can become strong minded and stick to good, developmental habits at any point in your life. The trick is to carry them to your grave. Why wouldn't you want to workout all of your life? What negative outcome could
Come on you must not stop! You can not stop! Every second you get to work on your side hustle is truly a blessing. Things will happen all around you during you work and your attempts to get your side business of the ground. That's just the way of life. Use all of that commotion and chaos to get yourself motivated and dig in to some serious side work. You can quite literally create a business from the ground up if you have a few basic things such as a credit or debit card (heck, even a bank account honestly), an email account, a phone number... the opportunities are limitless. All it takes is a couple of times of going viral. It may even just take one time to go viral and then never do you have to worry about that problem again. Once you get that amount of visibility you can then focus on converting those customers over to sales. It really is that simple.
The reason I come at you with such fire and such passion is because that's the way I would need to be spoken to at a young age, or really any age, to get my attention and put me into high gear. It just makes since. Ultimately, you have to find the tribe that resonates with you. Maybe you operate best at a cool, calm and collective environment with other cool cats. maybe you are a deep thinker, constantly having to analyze every last piece of data and possibility before making your next move. For some of us, it's all about the hustle shuffle. The has to be energy and sparks. To each their own. This time out of your life now however should be spent to understanding just who you are and how best you operate. Let me give you an example.
When I was falling behind one day I decided to research the likes of billionaires, geniuses, and the world's most successful people. Do you know what they all had in common? The micro-managed that schedule of theirs like it was hot. Everything the did was time slotted. Every hour out of the day, every minute at some extreme cases, were dedicated and slotted out. I challenge you to do this now. Let's say you want to work a 16 hour day. Here is how you do it. Step 1.) Get a piece of paper or online document and begin by slotting out all the hours out of your day from the moment you wake up until the moment you sleep (6am-7am, 7am-8am, 8am-9am... 10pm-11pm, 11pm-12pm). Step 2.) With those hours all written out in one single neat column, go ahead and fill in the obvious things you have to do every day such as waking up, getting ready, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and sleep. It may look something along the lines of 6am-7am: Wake up and head in to work. 11am-12pm: Lunch. 4pm-5pm: Dinner. 11pm-12am: Wind down/sleep. (Now again, this is an extreme example of a 16 hour work day for those who seriously hustle. However, start smaller if you need to. From all of the hustlers in the world, this one small step of scheduling your day no matter how tiny is way more than the average person does.) Step 3.) On a separate piece of paper, write down all of your To-Dos. Next, rank them in order from hardest to easiest. Finally, slot the first couple of hours out of your day to the hardest tasks, the middle of your day to the medium difficulty tasks, and finally the easiest tasks of your To-Do list to the end of your day. You do not want to work "uphill". A final not, each hour slotted out of your day should consist of 2-3 tasks. You will find out that your time burns up quickly! Stick to this and you will deeply appreciate the value of a minute. Another tip is not to reload any tasks you could not get done into the other hours after. This is so that after a day or so you can see where your strengths and weaknesses lie. Afterwards you are able to adjust and figure out the times of the day that are the most energetic for you. In return you will be able to say "alright, perhaps I do not have energy at this point for these tasks, but perhaps I could do some other tasks during this time to stay productive." It is imperative that you make that schedule and be honest with yourself. Honesty is what makes the entire schedule work. Place check marks next to the hours in which you accomplish what you have planned, dashes where you got a bit done, and Xs where you did not get the tasks done. Then re-arrange the tasks as necessary in order to ensure you are accomplishing all of them.
Lethargy. It comes in the form of death-scrolling. You may of heard of this before and if you have not then pay close attention. If you ever find yourself attempting to do research or Google something and end up scrolling through things you never even came there for in the first place, then you have just suffered a death-scroll. The same happens for all social media accounts. Instagram, Facebook, Etc. You just open them up and the next thing you know you are on the app for hours. Do not fall for this dilemma. When you open the app, search for the person you came there to search for. Look up the topic you were going to look up. Do nothing else but that and then put down the phone or exit the tab. It is not ok to waste your life like that and deep down inside you know you could be accomplishing more with your time rather than mindlessly letting it perish at someone else's dime. The more you watch, the more the creator of that content and the advertisers of that content profit. Not to say that their prosperity is a bad thing, but overall you should not be oblivious to the time that is spent in your day.
You do not want to be poor anymore. You know why you want to be wealthy and well off. You want to be able to take the time off that is hopefully short. You want to be able to go and get the best healthcare, the best massages and the best nutrition. You want to make your health at it's peak while not stressing over the cost of it. You do all of this by grinding out the hard work now so that you may establish businesses and passive income streams to supplement yourself while you sit back and think and relax. Imagine retirement at a young age. To the workaholics that know they will work until the day they die it is a big ask. It is important though. Being able to envision this will allow you to have an end goal in mind as well as peace of mind.
Distractions are everywhere. Nonsense and chatter will fill the air around you and you just have to block it out. don't even fret over the action of doing so. It's just a calm, intentional redirection of ones mind. You acknowledge that you are in a crowded environment and that the distractions are coming in constantly and you keep going. Take a deep breath if you need to. Have a light laugh if necessary, then get right back into the needle moving actions.
You know that you should just copy the greats. It is not a matter of ethics it is a matter of what works and what doesn't. Do as the very best do. Do not dare hesitate when the information to be successful is presented before you on how to win and you no take it. Most of the information on how to be successful is free too. A contrarily viewed belief is that it doesn't happen from learning, it happens from doing. If you know there is a faster and more efficient way to get to the solution and success then do it. Odds are though, it takes commitment as well as love for the craft. Love for the hustle. You need to WAKE UP!! You need to GET VIBRANT!! Clean yourself up, dress nicely, hit the gym and put some effort in every day of the week. Look like a boss and crush it. Do no succumb to failing at being the best version of yourself possible. You can sense when people are about to ask of you. It is almost a form of mind reading. They begin to circle around where you work. Their body language changes. They casually spark up conversation with you and next thing you know- bam. Somebody else is asking this of you and then you're wrapped up in this other thing over here and your time get's spent there and you're asked to volunteer at this future event there... Trust me. It is not worth it. If you have a genuine passion to work and make great things then your time is your most valuable asset. If you do not mind being tossed to the wind and just going with the breeze then by all means allow others to dictate your life. You know however that you can get so much more done if you just concentrate. Do the things that stimulate your mind. become a genius. Put in the work, think critically, research ways to maximize your brain power and absolutely dominate the playing field. you will not regret a single second of becoming this untouchable.
That brings me to the next topic: coming to a halt in mental motion and not knowing the next best move. it is situations like this that I actually prefer to calmly just keep working on something. no matter what the thing is, a little tinkering not only helps clear the mind for you to solve the problem of understanding which objective to pursue, but it also accomplishes some form of work that may be used to be profitable to you and others in the future. Both of those things should be tried to be accomplished when you tinker on something. For example, when my coworkers flood my office talking about fantasy football and cook shows I know that if I continue to type out this book it will be beneficial to me and to others. Ideally you can talk
Way too often
Do not get distracted! When you are set with a task that takes you away from your deep meaningful work, calm one's mind. Do not allow the momentary break in concentration and work flow to be disrupted. Focus one's self by first mastering your breath and then emptying all thoughts that may be clouding your judgement. Specifically chatter in the skull.
keep yourself going. Stay with the flow. never lose control and keep yourself pressing forward. It is your strongest ally in all of these situations. There is something to be said for the resilience of your work ethic. It may be helpful to listen to some upbeat music to get the heart pumping. Do not make eye contact with negativity. Avoid it at all costs. You will start to notice that you are actually in a pond of sharks. The trick about it is though is that you are secretly in the process of becoming a whale. The problem is that all of the other sharks are trying to eat each other for the most part. Businesses are trying to devastate each other out of competition. Now that being said competition is healthy as it keeps you on your toes but that does not mean that you should intentionally go out of your way to ruin others. If you can out preform then do it. Show that you can swim the longest, the fastest, and the smartest.
identify problems when the arise before you and address them with more work. That is probably one of the biggest take-aways from all of this as well. If you just continue to grind out the work and keep your efforts strong you will soon realize that everything just begins to flow. All of the things you once thought tedious are no longer of any discrepancy. It becomes almost a breeze truly. You will understand that by focusing your mind on the things that can generate you wealth and followers you will be better inclined to experience success in your near and distant future. Go ahead. push the envelope. You will not be disappointed that you did.
Stay focused and committed. It is remarkable what will happen when you help yourself to discipline and the grind. It does honestly become effortless. The saying of how work just rolls off of your fingertips is not an understatement. Things just begin to happen. Take typing for example, one could type forever and never get bored of it if they have external stimuli such as music to aid them. This whole thing is to be a wake up for everyone reading it though. It is also to be a call back to my younger self, which can also relate to others who are like-minded to myself when I was at that young age of 16-18. This is your call to pick it up. You have been summoned. It is your time to get rich and e famous. It is your time to change the world. Just reading these words is not going to do the work though. These words can act as your manifesto to rock to in times of uncertainty or they might be the catalyst to you finally getting ignited though. The true goal of all of this is for you to see that with the time you have left you should most certainly go all out in this very moment. Structure your days. Accomplish several tasks throughout the rest of your life. You want to be doing things now that make you money. Money is the physical representation of value. If you provide someone with a good or service in any way shape or form you are providing value. Therefore you should be compensated for it. The way compensation is represented is through money, because again money is the physical representation of value. That being said one must understand that you should be getting at least two tasks done every hour. It is not alright to not do so.
It is time to cast aside all fears. Overcome paralysis by analysis, looking at things for too long and being uncertain. There is tremendous merit in striking a balance in doing the right things and doing the wrong things. Do not become hazy eyed and lose focus. It is imperative that you stay focused and committed to the task at hand. You will soon become a magnet of attention and efforts. Fly higher and shine on. You are a natural born leader. Every last action of yours is resolute and unstoppable. You are truly special. There is nothing holding you back now. You know these moments. There will be times when the doubt creeps in as to why exactly people are coming close to you know and gathering around but rest assured, it is for all positive reasons. You are ascending to another level. People want to get there, but they have not yet committed their minds to just yet. If you do, you will be at a tremendous advantage. Here it is again. you can feel those butterflies in your chest in regards to what you are doing and what you are experiencing. It is the grind. It is the overcoming of all of your previous shortfalls. You know that you are a king in this world. you just need to position yourself in the best position on the chess board. it is interesting to not how the king never moves first in the game of chess. he commands other pieces out first and works his way to him. He starts with either his pawns or his knights, then he later has access to all of the other tools in his arsenal. This is a key point because the king is utilizing leverage. All of his kingdom is at his whim to acquire victory. They have appointed trust in this one piece to lead them to success against any adversary. You must do the same.
When you run out of things to think about and you do not know the next action to take just go ahead and take that step. Do something. Find the new experiences that ignite that flame within you and make you want to step. the ones that make you breath on command deeply and sharply. The ones that make you sit up straight and focus, and put all of your efforts and attention to that goal. Touching back on the topic of being safe earlier you must not fall into the trap of jumping the gun. it is a balancing act. Everything is a balancing act. the best thing to understand is that this has all been done before you and has been tried and proven. Keep your head up through turmoil and mistakes. You are definitely going to make them. the trick is to not make the career ending or life jeopardizing ones. if you want the thrill, if you want the rush of living a life and knowing it is to be cherished then look no further than within one's self. It may appear contrary to what you were expecting but think of it like this: if you are speeding in your car to get a thrill and are jumping off of high places to feel the octane and you break your legs, was it really worth it? Was it really worth those few fleeting minutes of rush to never be able to run, drive, or climb again? This same principle goes for you financial situations as well. If you have a decent amount of money saved up such as a couple thousand dollars, or even just a couple of hundred dollars, you would not risk it all by some high-stakes, high-risk/high-reward process of growing that money.
Some tips for you would to be to start creating some digital products. You have to ask the right questions. Starting from the ground up, what can you do to generate passive income and become an entrepreneur? Next, what will you later pursue down the road? These are all things you can research with AI to become hyper-successful.
I cannot stress it enough, your time is so valuable. Do not let others waste it. It is all up to you. The solution to your problem is to constantly be aware of it. Know that your time is indispensable and is worth more than gold.
People will talk about videogames around you. people will seem to be mindless. So easily distracted, unaware of the truth that lies in the future. It is as if they almost prefer to know nothing at all. That is where you must be strong. Detect the impulses that are placed into your brain and implement self-control. Do not back down from the fight of your own mind. Hydrate, exercise, and thing provocatively. Holding yourself back in weakness and slumber is perhaps worse than death, for at that point you are not really even living.
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